Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi (PM-DAKSH) Yojana

About PM-DAKSH Scheme

  • The Yojana: Pradhan Mantri Dakshata Aur Kushalata Sampanna Hitgrahi (PM-DAKSH) Yojana, a Central Sector Scheme was launched during 2020-21. The focus of the programme would be on providing high quality skills through good quality institutions so that the training can result in finding jobs or self-employment ventures for the target group.
  • Target Group:  SCs, OBCs, EWSs, DNTs Safai Karamcharis including waste pickers etc.
  • Age Criterion: 18-45 years
  • Income Criteria: SCs, Safai Karamcharis Including waste picker and DNT: No Income limitOBCs and EWSs : Annual income family below Rs.3 lakh.
  • The cost of training is as per common norms issued by Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship; Government of India and it varies as per duration of the course.
  • Cost of the training to trainees:  Free of cost.

Types of Trainings

  1. Up-skilling/Reskilling
  2. Short Term Training
  3. Entrepreneurship Development Programme


  1. The main objective of the scheme is to increase their family income by increasing skill levels of the target youth by providing short term skill training followed by engagement in wage/self- employment.
  2. Apart from this, the skill levels of the Safai Mitras including waster pickers would be increased through Upskilling and Reskilling programmes under Recognition of the Prior Learning (RPL). Under this, the upgradation would be of the skill/process/design so that the incomes may increase within their practicing vocations.
  3. A multi-pronged strategy to enhance the competency level of the target groups and make them employable both in self and wage employment for their socio-economic development of the following sections of the target group:
  1. Women may enter into self-employment thereby financially empowering themselves without neglecting their domestic activities; and
  2. Youth may acquire short-term training and specialization in employable vocations giving them better standing in the job market.

Key Features of the Scheme

  • Training free of cost for the trainees, 100 % grants by Government
  • The stipend to trainees under Short term training:-

a) For non-residential training programmes, the trainees will be paid stipend @ Rs.1,500/- per month for SC candidates, Rs.1,000/- per month to OBCs/EWSs/DNTs and Rs.1,500/- per month to Sanitation Workers including waste pickers and their dependents.

b) For residential training programmes, wherever necessary, the trainees will be provided boarding and lodging and expenses compensated within CCN, for complete duration of the training programmes. No stipend will be separately payable except in case of Safai Mitras, Waste Pickers & their dependents who will be paid Rs.500/- per month.

  • The stipend to trainees under Up-skilling/Re-skilling under Recognition of Prior Learning:-

As the trainees are already employed, they will be paid @Rs.500/- per person to Safai Mitras including Waste Pickers in the form of stipend, for duration of training of Up-skilling and Re-skilling under RPL, towards compensation of their wage loss, during the period of training


Target Group and Eligibility

Candidates of age group 18-45 years belonging to any of the following categories can apply for the training programme under PM-DAKSH :

 Persons belonging to Scheduled Castes

  1. Caste Certificate issued by Competent Authority of State Government.

 Other Backward Classes (OBCs) having Annual Family Income below Rs. 3.00 Lakh

  1. OBC Certificate issued by appropriate Authority of State Government, and
  2. Income Certificate below Rs. 3.00 Lakh p.a. issued by the appropriate authority of the State Government or self-certified and duly endorsed by a Gazetted officer as defined by the appropriate government will be acceptable. It is explicitly clarified that endorsement by public representatives, Gram Pradhan, Sarpanch, Councilor, notaries etc. will not be acceptable. Further, valid Below Poverty Line (BPL) card and Antodaya Anna Yojna (AAY) cards will also be acceptable as commensurate proof of annual family income of the beneficiary being within Rs. 1.00 Lakh per annum


Economically weaker section (EWS) having Annual Family Income below Rs.3.00 Lakh


  1. EWS Certificate issued by appropriate Authority, and
  2. Income Certificate below Rs. 3.00 Lakh p.a. issued by the appropriate authority of the State Government or self-certified and duly endorsed by a Gazetted officer as defined by the appropriate government will be acceptable.


 De-Notified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribe (DNT)

  1. Undertaking in the form of self-declaration of the candidate of his/her specific caste, date of birth and address alongwith the endorsement by the local Pradhan of the Community/Cluster to this effect.

 Transgender(TG) community

  1. Minimum age should be 18 years at the time of Assessment/Certification.
  2. Certificate and ID Card issued through National Portal for Transgender Persons. (Website :

 Safai Karamcharis (including waste pickers) and their dependants.

  1. Occupation Certificate

Economically weaker section (EWS) having Annual Family Income below Rs.3 Lakhs 3.00 Lakh

  1. EWS Certificate issued by appropriate Authority, and
  2. Income Certificate below Rs. 3.00 Lakh p.a. issued by the appropriate authority of the State Government or self-certified and duly endorsed by a Gazetted officer as defined by the appropriate government will be acceptable.

Skill training is imparted under three categories:

(i) Up-skilling / Re-skilling under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

  • Target Group:-Up-skilling / Re-skilling under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will only be applicable to SafaiMitras including waster pickers who constitute the bottom of the pyramid.
  • Curriculum: In respect of Safai Mitras including waste pickers, the curriculum will include the programmes on safe & healthy sanitation practices, occupational practices as per relevant and approved Qualification Packs (QPs). Certification would be aligned with the standard process.
  • Period of Training: The duration of the training programmes will be of approximately 35 hours keeping in mind the occupational hours of the trainees.

Training Cost: The training cost will be limited to extent of Common Cost Norms (CCN) issued by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) as applicable from time to time.

  • Other Expenses: As the trainees are already employed, they will be paid @₹500/- per person to Safai Mitras including Waste Pickers in the form of stipend, for duration of training of Up-skilling and Re-skilling under RPL, towards compensation of their wage loss, during the period of training.

(ii) Short Term Training (STT)

  • Target Group:-Most disempowered groups belonging to SC/OBC/EWS/DNT and Sanitation Workers including Waste Pickers and their dependents having aspirations to be employed in sectors having good demand in job market with suitable wage.
  • Curriculum: The Curriculum of the training programmes will be as per National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF)/National Occupational Standard (NOS), issued by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India in various job roles with focus on wage and self-employment opportunities such as self-employed tailors training, furniture making, food processing, carpet weaving, beautician workers, leather work, latex harvesting, tyre fitting along with financial and digital literacy, etc. Training to be delivered through accredited and affiliated training centres.
  • Period of Training: The duration of the training programmes will be less than 1200 hours, as stipulated in National Occupational Standards (NOS) and Qualification Packs (QPs).
  • Training Cost: The training cost will be as per Common Cost Norms for NSQF job roles or as stipulated by concerned board as applicable and as amended from time to time.
  • Other Expenses:
  1. For non-residential training programmes, the trainees will be paid stipend @ ₹1,500/- per month for SC candidates, ₹1,000/- per month to OBCs/EWSs/DNTs and ₹1,500/- per month to Sanitation Workers including waste pickers and their dependents.
  2. For residential training programmes, wherever necessary, the trainees will be provided boarding and lodging and expenses compensated within CCN, for complete duration of the training programmes. No stipend will be separately payable except in case of Safai Mitras, Waste Pickers & their dependents who will be paid ₹500/- per month.

(iii) Entrepreneurial Development Programmes(EDP)

Target Group:- SCs, EWSs, OBCs and DNTs youth who are having an entrepreneurial bent of mind. Department will approach National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) or any other organisation viz Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) under Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship for conducting EDP training.


Guidelines 2024 - 25 (01.06.2024)


Corrigendum of Scheme Guidelines - 2020-21



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