The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is entrusted with the welfare, social Justice and empowerment of disadvantaged and marginalized section of the society viz. Scheduled Caste, Backward Classes, Persons with Disabilities, Senior Citizens, and Victims of Drug Abuse etc.
Basic objective of the policies, programmes, law and institution of the Indian welfare system is to bring the target groups into the mainstream of development by making them self-reliant.
The Ministry is headed by Dr. Virendra Kumar, Cabinet Minister and ably assisted by two Ministers-of-State namely Shri Ramdas Athawale and Shri B L Verma.
There are two departments viz. Department of Social Justice and Empowerment and Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. Shri Amit Yadav (IAS) is the Secretary of Department of Social Justice & Empowerment. Mr. Rajesh Aggarwal (IAS) is the Secretary of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. Shri Amit Kumar Ghosh (IAS, UP:1994) and Ms. Caralyn Khongwar Deshmukh (IAS, MP:1996) is the Additional Secretary of Department of Social Justice & Empowerment.
The Bureau Head wise Allocation of work in Department of Social Justice and Empowerment is as follows:-
Officer Name |
Work allocated |
Shri Amit Kumar Ghosh, AS |
Vigilance |
Official Language |
Matters related to the National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation (NSFDC) |
Revision of lists for SCs (RL Cell) and matters relating to Justice Balakrishnan Commission |
Corporate Cell |
PCR/PoA Act & Scheme implementation |
Narmada and all R&R matters |
Matters related to National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) including Joint Cadre Group A Posts of NCSC-MSJE |
Facilitation/ RTI Cell, CR-RR Section |
The National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) |
Matters relating to Commission to examine sub-categorization of OBCs (CESOB) |
Matters relating to the National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC) |
Matters relating to Development and Welfare Board for Nomadic and Semi Nomadic Communities (DWBDNCs) and De-notified De-notified, Tribes and all related DNT matters, including SEED scheme |
All matters relating to OBCs /EWS |
PM- Young Achievers Scholarship Award Scheme for Vibrant India (PM-YASASVI) |
Scholarships for Higher Education for Young Achievers Scheme (SHREYAS-OBC) |
Media |
Coordination |
Parliament, Legal Cell |
International Conventions and Agreements on matters dealt within the Department and G-20 |
Matters related to Dr. Ambedkar Foundation (DAF)/BJRNF |
Ms. Caralyn Khongwar Deshmukh, AS |
Matters related to National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) |
Welfare of Transgender Persons. |
Matter relating to Prohibition. |
Rehabilitation of victims of alcoholism and substance abuse, and their families. |
National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) |
Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) |
Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood & Enterprise (SMILE) (Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Welfare of Transgender Persons) |
Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) |
PM-Anusuchit Jati Abhyuday Yojana (PM-AJAY) |
Capacity Building |
Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY) |
The Maintenance and welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 (56 of 2007) |
All other matters relating to Senior Citizens |
Pradhan Mantri Dakshata aur Kushalata Sampann Hitgrahi Yojna (PM-DAKSH) |
Venture Capital Funds etc |
Credit Enhancement Guarantee Scheme |
VISVAS scheme for SC’s and OBC’s |
Loan scheme of NSFDC and NBCFDC |
Beggary component of SMILE (Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood & Enterp (SMILE) |
Ms. Yogita Swaroop, Sr. EA |
Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act 2013 (MS Act 2013) |
All matters relating to the Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS) |
Examination and preparation of comments on Draft Cabinet Note/ CCEA/EFC/SFC/PIB/DIB Notes of other Ministries |
Economic Survey |
Gati Shakti Sanchar Portal and AKAM |
Matters related to SDG 2030 |
Policy/regulatory framework to attract private sector funds/PPP |
National Action Plan for Mechanised Sanitation Ecosystem (NAMSTE) |
The National Safai Karamchari Finance and Development Corporation (NSKFDC) |
The National Commission for Safai Karamcharis (NCSK) |
Shri Biswaranjan Sasmal, JS |
Scholarships for Higher Education for young Achievers Scheme (SHREYAS- SCs) |
Pre & Post Matric Scholarship Schemes for SCs |
Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) |
Scheme of Residential Education for Students in High Schools in Targeted Area (SRESHTA) |
Ms. Radhika Chakravarthy, JS |
Matters related to National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) |
Welfare of Transgender Persons. |
Matter relating to Prohibition. |
Rehabilitation of victims of alcoholism and substance abuse, and their families. |
National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) |
Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) |
Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood & Enterprise (SMILE) (Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Welfare of Transgender Persons) |
Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) |
PM-Anusuchit Jati Abhyuday Yojana (PM-AJAY) |
Capacity Building |
Ms. Monali P. Dhakate, JS |
Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY) |
The Maintenance and welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 (56 of 2007) |
All other matters relating to Senior Citizens |
Pradhan Mantri Dakshata aur Kushalata Sampann Hitgrahi Yojna (PM-DAKSH) |
Shri Shailendra Kumar, JS |
Establishment |
Cash |
General Administration |
Ms. Pratima Gupta, DDG |
Matters related to Pragati Portal |
Evaluation Studies of Scheme of the Department |
Monitoring matters and issues related to Niti Aayog |
Handbook/All Statistics related matters |
Output-Outcome framework |
Gender Budget |
Preparation of Annual Report |
Sectoral Group of Secretaries (SGoS)/ Vision Document |
Public Grievances (CPGRAM), PM-CARES |
Overall Coordination of E-Samiksha |
Social Audit of Schemes |
I- MESA- Awareness generation, research, evaluation and training |
All other matters related to Statistics Division |
Development Action Plan for SCs (DAPSC) and related matters/ schemes |
Ms. Debolina Thakur, JS&FA |
Budget & IFD |
Release of funds as per budgetary support, audit paras, |
PAC, EFC, and SFC of the department in conjunction with the concerned Joint Secretary and Standing Committee work related to Demands for Grants. |
To be consulted in formulation of schemes, annual plans, vision document, OOMF, Gender budgeting, PPP, EAP, Niti Aayog issues, enabling policy & regulatory framework to attract private sector funds. |
Shri Ajay Srivastava, EA |
Venture Capital Funds etc |
Credit Enhancement Guarantee Scheme |
VISVAS scheme for SC’s and OBC’s |
Loan scheme of NSFDC and NBCFDC |
Beggary component of SMILE (Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood & Enterp (SMILE) |
Shri Sunil Kumar Ranjan, JS |
Official Language |
Corporate Cell |
Narmada and all R&R matters |
Matters related to National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) including Joint Cadre Group A Posts of NCSC-MSJE |